Types of Software Testing and Why Software Testing is Important

We all make mistakes. A number of those mistakes are unimportant; however, some of them might be pricey for us or much more dangerous. We need to ascertain anything and everything that we produce because things will always fail. Humans make mistakes all the time and while making the software too or while writing a code. That’s why software application testing is important.

Since we tend to assume that our work might have mistakes, hence we all have to be compelled to check our own work. But some mistakes come back from bad assumptions and blind spots, so we might make the same mistakes when we check our own work as we made once we did it. So we might not notice the issues in what we have done.


Ideally, we must always get someone else to ascertain our work because another person is more probably to spot the issues.

There are many reasons from QA outsourcing experts that clearly tells us as for why software Testing is important and what are the key things that we must always take into account while testing any product or application.

Here are 30 major types of software testing identified by offshore software testing experts which come under manual or automation testing services.

Alpha Testing

Acceptance Testing

Ad-hoc Testing

Accessibility Testing

Beta Testing

Back-end Testing

Browser Compatibility Testing

Backward Compatibility Testing

Black Box Testing

Boundary Value Testing

Branch Testing

Comparison Testing

Compatibility Testing

Component Testing

End-to-End Testing

Equivalence Partitioning

Example Testing

Exploratory Testing

Functional Testing

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Testing

Gorilla Testing

Happy Path Testing

Incremental Integration Testing

Install/Uninstall Testing

Integration Testing

Load Testing

Monkey Testing

Mutation Testing

Negative Testing

Software testing is incredibly important as a result of the following reasons:

Software testing is basically needed to imply the defects and errors that were happened throughout the event phases. Programmers might make a mistake during the implementation of the software. There may be several reasons for this like lack of experience of the programmer, lack of information of the programming language, less experience in the domain, incorrect implementation of the algorithm due to complicated logic or just human error.

It’s essential since it makes sure that the client finds the organization reliable and their satisfaction in the application is maintained. If the client doesn't notice the software testing qa outsourcing companies reliable or isn't glad about the standard of the deliverable, then they'll switch to a competitor organization.

It is important to make sure the quality of the product. Customer can trust in you more if you consistently deliver quality products.

Testing is critical so as to provide the facilities to the customers just like the delivery of the prime quality product or software application which needs lower maintenance value and hence results into more correct, consistent and reliable results.

Testing is needed for an efficient performance of software application or software product development.

It’s important to make sure that the application shouldn't result into any failures because it can be terribly pricey within the future or within the later stages of the development.

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